Thane Crozier was born and raised in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada. He attended Seneca College, and graduated with high honors in Investigative Sciences and Police Studies.
Thane and his wife Louise (another Scarborough native) were married in 1990 and have two fantastic kids. In 2002, the Crozier family moved from the Great White North to sunny New Mexico where Thane concentrated on his raising his family and not shoveling snow! Have you ever thought: “One day I’ll write that book…?” |
In 2003, Thane signed with Harris Literary Agency and was represented for the next 3 years for his first 3 books. Unfortunately, Thane still remains conventionally unpublished, although he self published his third novel, Dreams Come True, which is available through online retailers.
In total, Thane has written three novels, two children stories, and is currently working on completing his first novella which he is planning on grouping with some older and newer short stories in a collection volume. Thane is also very excited about his current partnership with New Mexican artist David Moss who is working on the illustrations for Thane’s book The Santa Clone.
Thane is also enjoying a successful safety/loss prevention career and has held varied positions in the last twenty years including: owner/operator of gas stations, manager in a jewelry manufacturing plant, senior investigator for the largest Canadian owned retailer of sporting goods and asset protection manager for a large box-retailer. Thane is currently employed as a safety professional for a non-profit risk management organization owned by hundreds of Native American tribes.
Thane’s dream is to share his novels with the world, (there’s not enough dark and twisted adult supernatural thrillers out there) and he wants every child out there to be familiar with his fantastic stories (aliens clone Santa and he turns evil?!?) Thane also feels that his works would make fantastic movies and is planning on converting his books to screenplays. |